Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 11: I Surrender.

Tonight I went to the Santa Monica Pier again and I figured out there are designated spots for performers. How do I know this? The cops told me to pack it up. Now I know. Luckily they didn't give me a ticket. Thank you SMPD. I did get a few genuine compliments from some people down there. On another note I saw a music supervisor I know today at my job. I told him what I am up to and he told I should start filming whatever I can. On the way home I filmed a clip of me talking. Wondering if I should post on Facebook or YouTube or anybody would care. I feel FB would own it. Maybe I shouldn't about that. Lastly a few people have asked "hey if you want somebody to accompany you to your gigs let me know. . Having support could be nice. Maybe I don't want to be judged. What if I have a bad night? It could happen. It already has. Some nights I'm exhausted and I'm not at my best. I guess there is a part of me that wants to go it alone but maybe that is a mistake. Perhaps of part of the challenge is let go of caring about what people think of me because this will always be a losing battle. It's all about surrender.

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